Voldemort's wand
Voldemort's wand has been finished!
After a great deal of time spent on gethering
information on the wand we had everything to begin. Basic infos and sizes came from the
Official Harry Potter Wiki page, of course.
We used pictures from other replicas and screen caps as inspiration.
After the model was done. It had to be sliced to smaller pieces.
Tom Riddle's wand was 13 1/2"(34.29 cm) in length which would have been too much for our
Reprap's plate. The wand was devided to 2 sides and each side was devided to 4 parts. 8 long parts
are too much for one plate. The pringing would have been too long in one run anyway.
They were printed in a couple of sessions.
The 8 parts were glued together with super glue.
We had tried different types of glues, but this was the strongest and the
easiest to use.
It was starting to look like a wand.
After a layer of white base coat the painting could be started.
This step wasn't necessary, but it helped to the paint to stick to the plastic.
We used our favorite acrylic paint. We used more layer
of paints to get the best result. Two layes of waterproof finnish were used to protect
the wand. It was designed to be display, but it could be used as a toy.
Finally the wand was ready. We were always wondering why Voldemort
was holding his wand so strangly, so unnaturally. When we holded it in our hands we'd found the answer.
Even for a small hand there was no good grip on it.
Useful links
- Thingiverse
Collection of printable things - YouMagine
Share your imagination - Reprap
The first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine - Is it printable?
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