Articles of dragon
Valentine's dragon
Dragon with a heart - sort of

We know it is only Christmas, but we already started to prepare for Valentine's day.
2013. 12. 23
White printing
Dragons printed from white filament

We have had lots of problems with the white filament in the past, but we ran out of the gold one and had to try it again.
2013. 11. 03
Dragon door-knocker
It took us a while to design, print and paint, but it looks stunning. The only problem it does not knock...

We found a dragon model some time ago and after lots of designing we made a door knocker from it.
2013. 05. 29
Useful links
- Thingiverse
Collection of printable things - YouMagine
Share your imagination - Reprap
The first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine - Is it printable?
How to tell if a 3D model is printable - Find us on Facebook
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