How to turn your office into a library

A boring arch file to an old book in a few easy steps

pieces of the book spineWe have been trying to turn our office to a library for quite some time, but as of now the result was not that good. But with lots of experimenting the perfect shape of the pieces has been identified. Only five pieces needed for one arch file and gluing them together is now a routine work for us.

painted book spineThe tricky part is the paint. The shape of the pieces is like an old style book. If we just simply paint it, it'd look like an old style, but new book. We want old books, not replicas of old books, so we had to use shading to imitate the aging of the book. It was hard to find the perfect solution, but not hard to copy it based on the pictures.

finished book spineIt looks good even on its own after the painting has been ended with several layer of finish.

on an arch fileThis is how it looks on an actual arch file. The label remained empty for this prototype.

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