Dumbledore's elder wand
Dumbledore's elder wand is finally finished.
It took a long time to create the model with those balls and holes on it. It was hard to make it
manifold and slice it to more piceses. The elder wand is 15 inches (38 cm) long, which is much
longer we can print.
After the model was done we printed it out. It turned out that the model was not as accurate as
we thought. It wasn't easy to glue the parts together. With a little sanding here and a little
tricking there it was attached together.
Because of the inaccurate joins we needed more structure paste and base coat than usual.
The wand got a few layers of brown base coat. We have noticed the runes on the wand in the movie,
so we painted them on it. We used some screen caps from the movie for this.
We needed to make it look like it were used, darker shades
in holes and lighter on tops. The painting is protected with two layers of water proof finnish
as usual.
Useful links
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Collection of printable things - YouMagine
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