Ron Weasley's wand
Ron's first wand - which he broke his second year in Hogwarts

This is one of the simplest wand we have made so far.
We tried Harry Potter in Lego this time
Of course we started printing Harry Potter related things with our new printer immediately.
Our biggest challenge from the Harry Potter universe so far
We had to make the sword too.
The second raven wand design - a tribute to Ravenclaw
Two raven wands in a row.
Yet another unique wand design - a tribute to Ravenclaw
Wand making is our favourite past time.
Storing memories this way would be very useful
This time making the model and print it was the easy part.
Ron's first wand - which he broke his second year in Hogwarts
This is one of the simplest wand we have made so far.
Harry Potter has owned several different wands, though only this wand is considered truly his
We made Harry's wand the usual way.
There are lots of wands in the Harry Potter Universe
Luna's wand now, but we are working on other wands right now.
We continue experimenting with gilding
We're still learning about the gilding, but we are better at it every day.
A way to avoid the time consuming painting
We came to realize the most time consuming part of 3D printing is the painting of the printed objects.
We ordered genuine fur balls to improve on the old model
It was a lot of work to make a pygmy puff, so we had to find an easier solution.
Minerva McGonagall's wand from the Harry Potter universe
Back to the Harry Potter universe - Minerva McGonagall's wand.
Our eighth wand
And yet another wand from the Harry Potter Universe.
We have several pygmys, so it was just a matter of time to make them a cage
We made a nice cage for our pygmys just to display them nicely.
The wand of the half blood prince
Another new wand and from the Harry Potter universe too. It is our fifth wand.
Yes, it was inspired by the Harry Potter movie too
Now this guards our entrance door.
We improved our previous design
We thought we try something new with this old design.
We had to fix several problems in the model
We fixed the model for the elder wand.
„Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me”
Another Harry Potter item.
„It looked like a silver cigarette lighter, but it had, he knew, the power to suck all light from a place, and restore it, with a simple click”
As you should already realized we are a great fan of Harry Potter. Now we created yet another item from the Harry Potter universe. This time it is not just a decoration, but a real PEZ dispenser.
It's almost sure you won't see a suitcase with a similar tag
Yet another item from the Harry Potter universe
„This is the wand that tortured Neville's mum and dad, and who knows how many other people? This is the wand that killed Sirius!”
After we recreated two famous wands from the Harry Potter universe we decided to print another one, infamous this time.
It was a public demand for an even bigger pygmy puff
We got several review complaining that our pygmy puff is too small. We still think that is the right size, but we created a bigger size.
Ink bottle, quill and pen holder
We completed our ink bottle with a quill and a pen holder.
You saw it on our cover, because we printed it months ago, just never write about it...
You could have read about it in the Harry Potter book, and now here it is.
We built a bigger version of our pygmy puff
Now, we have three pygmy puffs - and the new arrival is much bigger then the previous two.
This object has played an important role in the Harry Potter movies
It makes a good addition to our ever growing Harry Potter collection.
It fits into our Harry Potter collection quite well
We wanted an ink bottle which will fit into our Harry Potter collection.
Yet another set of issues with the printer
After we fixed the issue with the main board another set of problems arrived...
Half way during the building of Hogwarts castle
There is a big progress on our most complex project.
Dumbledore's elder wand is finally finished.
Dumbledore's 15 inches (38 cm) long elder wand is finnished.
Yes, we live in the door number thirteen
Of course as we are a 3D printing couple we need a 3D printed door number. And what would fit to us more than a Harry Potter style door number?
Pewter cauldron is finished.
A big pewter cauldron is one of our wizard world things.
We made a lot of wands - we need a display to hold them
After we finished our third wand we had to realize we need something to hold and display them - of course we printed a wand-display!
Pygmy puff assembly instruction
Step-by-step instrutions for making pygmy puffs.
Our heaviest and longest print so far
A big cauldron goes well with our other wizard world things, so we decided to print a cauldron.
Introducing our big-big 3D printing project
This was one of the reasons for building the printer: we wanted to build a really good looking pet-house to our turtles. Lots of parts, lots of printing, lots of painting.
Our new pet is a pygmy puff
After the Weasley twins we have created our Pygmy Puffs.
How we have started - the early failures and successes
Let's talk about the very beginning to make sure no one will give up on the first failures: everyone makes mistakes on the first several tries. And we were not an exception...