Starting the page

Finally, the day has come when we launched the PrintingIn3D page!

We had been building our printer for half a year; we have been printing things for months; and now after designing and programming for weeks, we finally launched the page.

christmas trees

You can learn more from us, but the focus is on our printer, those things we have printed so far and of course on those we will print in the future.

This page has two purposes:

  • we want to document our printings to help those who tries to decide if they want a 3D printer or not
  • and we try to provide an affordable printing solution for those who want a 3D printer, but don't have the patience or technical knowledge to build one
The building of the printer was a long jurney, maybe we will write an article about it in the future. Let us say in advance: the main thing you need to build one is not money, but patience. We almost gave up a few times because of the failures, but fortunately we tried yet another time (and yet another, if it was needed).


Our printer is still not working on its full capacity, beucase we still have technical problems. Something is too tight here, something is too lose there, something is straight when it should have a curve, something has a curve when it should be straight. Having a 3D printer is not like having a regular one (at least not yet): you always have to maintain it time to time.

This is only the first entry, but more to come: we want to document our last months' printing - or at least those which worth a few lines. We will document our failures too, because this is still an experiment and we made and will make mistakes: we hope we can help others to not make the same mistakes we already made.


We are still far away to fully start this page, but we will add new features when we can. You can contact us any time you have a question, seek for help or just want to let us know how cool we are.

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