Recent problems
We have some serious problems with the printer, that's why there is the silence from us in the last few weeks

We have a few ongoing serious problems which prevent from printing right now. The first problem is connected to thermistor, which measures the temperature of the hotend, seems to be broken. It measures the room tempriture as 60-90 degree Celsius. And because of that we cannot be sure if the printing temperature is correctly set.
The second problem is maybe connected to the previous one. The pusher, which pushes the filamentThis is the plastic which is used as a source for the printRead more through the hotendThis is where the plastic actually melted. It is part of the extruder which contains the pusher and the barrel as well. seems to be too weak sometimes, and the filamentThis is the plastic which is used as a source for the printRead more sticks in those cases. This could have caused by the fact the hotendThis is where the plastic actually melted. It is part of the extruder which contains the pusher and the barrel as well. is not hot enough, thus the filamentThis is the plastic which is used as a source for the printRead more is too thick to be pushed through the small hole on the hotend. But it could be because we ordered a too weak motor when we built the printer.
We're trying to fix both of these problems: we ordered a new heater block which contain the thermistor, and we ordered a new, stronger motor for the pusher to make sure this couldn't be a problem anymore.
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