When not to print
3D printing is not always the answer

After many years of 3D printing one starts to think of any problem as something to be solved by 3D printing, but ...
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2020. 12. 18
Memory vial
Storing memories this way would be very useful

This time making the model and print it was the easy part.
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2016. 09. 12
Ron Weasley's wand
Ron's first wand - which he broke his second year in Hogwarts

This is one of the simplest wand we have made so far.
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2016. 06. 30
We didn't forget to make it

A perfect gift for a forgetful spouse.
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2015. 10. 06
"What did you expect? Pumpkin Juice?"

It was inevitable we would do this.
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2017. 05. 27
Poké ball
A new theme again - this time pokémon

This time we printed the central item of the Pokémon universe.
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2015. 06. 11
Big wand display
We made several new wands recently - we need a bigger display to show them

With our new wands we made we needed a bigger display. And this display is very different than our first one.
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2015. 05. 03
Cake plate from a glass rotating plate
Fast prototyping in action - 24 hours between the idea and the product

We found this rotating plate in the cupboard - this is the story how we changed it into a nice cake plate.
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2014. 12. 15
A useful box
A box to store stickers

We are a big sticker collector, so we needed a nice box to store the stickers.
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2014. 04. 25
Finally we printed something new
Computer front fan holder

Our home server - which we use for the 3D printing too - has a slight heat problem. Nothing serious, but we thought a little extra cooling would help to increase the life expectancy of the machine.
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2014. 03. 20
Yet another shelf
We have lots of spices - we need lots of shelves

After our very successful gothic shelf we still need shelves for our spices!
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2013. 05. 12
Spice shelf
Spice shelf is made

It is a common mistake that a 3D printer can only print things for decoration - that's not true. The result of the printing is quite durable and strong. To prove it (and to make space to store our spices) we designed and printed a shelf.
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2013. 03. 18