Articles of SLA
A nice little post emblem to the mail box
Very detailed printing with the SLA printer

We wanted something nice on our mail box - something 3D printed, of course.
2021. 01. 10
Printing more Lego
Printing Lego is fun

As this is our first printer which can print usable Lego items we continued to experiment with Lego items.
2020. 01. 02
We tried Harry Potter in Lego this time

Of course we started printing Harry Potter related things with our new printer immediately.
2019. 06. 13
Useful links
- Thingiverse
Collection of printable things - YouMagine
Share your imagination - Reprap
The first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine - Is it printable?
How to tell if a 3D model is printable - Find us on Facebook
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