Articles of kit
New, improved pygmy puff
We ordered genuine fur balls to improve on the old model

It was a lot of work to make a pygmy puff, so we had to find an easier solution.
2022. 01. 21
Big brother for our pygmy family
It was a public demand for an even bigger pygmy puff

We got several review complaining that our pygmy puff is too small. We still think that is the right size, but we created a bigger size.
2022. 01. 21
Wand display
We made a lot of wands - we need a display to hold them

After we finished our third wand we had to realize we need something to hold and display them - of course we printed a wand-display!
2013. 04. 04
Useful links
- Thingiverse
Collection of printable things - YouMagine
Share your imagination - Reprap
The first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine - Is it printable?
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