Pygmy puff instruction
Pygmy puff assembly instruction
First of all, you will need a fur ball. We used an about 25-cm-long and 6-cm-width artifical fur for the fur ball, but it can be ordered as a ball as well.
For the printed parts, the back and front part of the head should be attached together with super glue.
For better results a base coat can be used. All plastic parts should be painted with acrylic
or model paint. Use more layers if needed. To reach a more lifelike effect, use matt finish everywhere
except the eyeballs. On eyes shiny finish has to be used.
There are hooks on the legs and the back of the head. The parts can be fixed to the furball with thread
by the hook. Since the hook is fragile, it is advised to use hot glue also. This will
fix them in the right position.
Useful links
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Collection of printable things - YouMagine
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The first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine - Is it printable?
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