Articles of pygmy puff

New, improved pygmy puff

We ordered genuine fur balls to improve on the old model

new pygmy puff

It was a lot of work to make a pygmy puff, so we had to find an easier solution.

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2022. 01. 21

Cage for our pygmy puffs

We have several pygmys, so it was just a matter of time to make them a cage

cage finished

We made a nice cage for our pygmys just to display them nicely.

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2022. 01. 21

Big brother for our pygmy family

It was a public demand for an even bigger pygmy puff

giant pygmy puff

We got several review complaining that our pygmy puff is too small. We still think that is the right size, but we created a bigger size.

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2022. 01. 21

Big brother in our pygmy puff family

We built a bigger version of our pygmy puff


Now, we have three pygmy puffs - and the new arrival is much bigger then the previous two.

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2022. 01. 21

Pygmy puff instruction

Pygmy puff assembly instruction

pygmy puff instructions

Step-by-step instrutions for making pygmy puffs.

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2022. 01. 21

Pygmy Puff

Our new pet is a pygmy puff

brown pygmy puff

After the Weasley twins we have created our Pygmy Puffs.

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2022. 01. 21

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